Saturday, October 03, 2009

Geomate jr. update kit now available!

What it means to have an update kit

Always have the latest and greatest nation- wide cache list.

Get every possible cache for any given region.

Vacationing in Germany? Then get the cache list for Germany, or England, or Australia...

You can even customize your Geomate.jr – change the units or give it a name!

The UpdateKit

The geocaching anywhere, anytime with a Geomate.jr rocks. And the 250,000 geocaches that the Geomate.jr comes with is sure to keep anyone busy for some time. But new caches are being added every day. And geocaches exist all around the world! So if you want fresh new caches, or are looking for a geocaching adventure in New Zealand (for example), then you may want to think about an Update Kit for your Geomate.jr.



Vera Matson said...

Hi! I've been wanting to take my kids out geocaching this weekend, and I found a geomatejr at REI today, but where can I find an update kit? There arent' any at any of the REI stores. Anywhere else in Houston carry them? Thanks! Vera
(take out the parentheses on my email address)

wasim said...
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